Wednesday 27 April 2011

China: Happy Easter!

The closest thing to an Easter egg we could get... Quail eggs at hot pot!

Happy Easter from China!
I hope everyone in England is enjoying the Spring weather and chocolate.

On Easter Sunday, Lewis, Zoe and I (the 3 volunteer teachers in this county, our next closest friends are an 8 hour bus ride away) met up and went for hot pot since the weather was a little wet and rainy. We went to a really exciting place that was like a conveyer belt sushi joint, but with conveyer belt hot pot ingredients! Hot pot is a Chinese cooking style where you cook the raw food yourself in a little pot of bubbling soup. Each of us had our little pot on an induction hob and for 20Y (£2) we could grab as many plates as we could finish!

Still being illiterate has its downfalls as my ordering consists of randomly pointing and saying "Zhè ge" (this one) and hoping for the best. I ended up with Chongqing style soup in my pot which basically chilli stock, chilli oil, with more chillis and peppercorns. Hén là! (Very spicy!)

After this we went to the Yuxi Museum and were more than impressed to find a dinosaur named after our town!! A dinosaur found in Eshan, called an Eshanosaurus. Sounds better than a Wokinghamosaurus.

We then headed to a dinner our Link Teacher invited us to. He wanted to make up for us missing our families over the holiday and invited us to join his family and friends for dinner. We went to his friend's house where his friends and multiple generations of their families had come to eat dinner together. The reason? Just to celebrate long friendships!

P.S To my friends - enjoy the chocolate and REVISE(!) for all your post Easter holiday exams. Hoping we can enjoy long friendships too :)

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