Monday, 11 June 2012

The Gap Year Never Ends....

A year has passed since my gap year and I can't say I think about it any less. I met up with one of my fellow China volunteers this weekend and we dined on jiaozi (dumplings) in China Town. I still talk to my Chinese friends and sent over a chocolate good luck package in time for the infamous Gao Kao exams and they sent me this picture for my birthday from the classroom:

I'm meeting a relative of one my friends in Fiji who now lives in England next week and I still exchange letters with my host family back on Ovalau. I've loved studying Anthropology this year and being swept up in the stresses of moving city, new friends, new jobs and starting Uni has meant volunteering has taken a back seat! But next year I've already found a Guide unit to start as a leader again and I've been offered a position as a volunteer English teacher at Kalayaan, a charity in London.

It's hard to convey just how great the whole year was. The number of opportunities, great friends and good experiences I had was unreal and I can't wait to visit the places again, Eshan in China and Viro and Fiji weren't holiday destinations, but my home in other countries. China 2013 is definitely happening!

On that note... it's also incredibly important that these placements continue receiving volunteers to fill these roles. Lattitude Global Volunteering (former "Gap Activity Projects") are a charity who have been running since 1972 and place volunteers in long term placements and are a member of BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development). It isn't just for UK volunteers, but volunteers from host countries also come to the UK.

More volunteers are needed and it's the hardest thing for leaving volunteers to see their projects going on hiatus simply because no one can fill the role.

So.... of you'd like to volunteer in China or volunteer in Fiji, give Lattitude Global Volunteering a shout and send me pictures! There are placements in other countries and for other skills, but of course I'm biased about getting vols back in my home territories!

1 comment:

  1. Natalie!

    How wonderful that you can carry on your wonderful gap year legacy :) I know what reminiscing is like, just giving anything to go back! I wish you all of luck for China 2013, mine is New Zealand 2015- indefinitely! Keep me posted on how your travels and studies go!

    Hope all is well,

